How does a backup care benefit impact businesses?

  • Reduced Absenteeism

    When employees face unexpected disruptions in their regular care arrangements, they may need to take unplanned time off to care for their children or adult parents. Backup care services help employees find alternative care quickly, reducing the likelihood of unscheduled absences.

  • Increased Productivity

    With reliable backup care options in place, employees can focus on their work knowing that they have a safety net. This leads to increased productivity as employees are less likely to be distracted or stressed about childcare issues and remain focused at work.

  • Employee Retention

    Offering backup care as a benefit demonstrates a commitment to supporting employees in managing work-life balance. This contributes to higher job satisfaction and, in turn, improves employee retention rates.

  • Enhanced Recruitment

    Backup care is an attractive perk for potential employees, especially those with young children. It sets an employer apart from competitors and helps attract top talent.

  • Positive Company Culture

    Providing backup care reflects a supportive and family-friendly company culture. This contributes to a positive work environment and fosters loyalty among employees.

  • Reduced Turnover Costs

    Employee turnover is expensive due to recruitment, training, and onboarding costs. By helping employees manage unexpected childcare challenges, employers reduce turnover rates and associated expenses.

  • Work-Life Balance

    As work-life balance becomes increasingly important to employees, offering backup care aligns with expectations for employers to support their staff in balancing their personal and professional lives.

  • Flexible Working Arrangements

    Backup care can be part of a broader strategy to offer flexible work arrangements, allowing employees to navigate unexpected family situations without compromising their job responsibilities.

  • Prevents Burnout

    Employees who feel supported in managing their personal responsibilities are more likely to be engaged at work. Engaged employees are generally more resilient to burnout, as they find purpose and satisfaction in their roles.

Contact us
(425) 616-3010 Ext. 802

Serving Seattle, the San Francisco Bay Area and Denver